La prima regola di un bravo Ricercatore??? Saper preparare una Stock Solution e le sue diluizioni!
Lo sanno bene i ragazzi del nostro Liceo Scientifico che hanno preparato soluzioni concentrate e diluite di Cloruro di Sodio a varie concentrazioni molari colorandole e utilizzando una App per misure l'intensità e verificare l'avvenuta diluizione. Well done, ragazzi!

Using their knowledge of solvents and solutions, our scientific high school students tried their
hand at creating a stock solution. Stock solutions are a vital resource in a lab. They can help a scientist save a lot of time, can help in conserving materials and in improving the accuracy with which they prepare solutions. From this stock solution the students then prepared two dilute solutions. Finally, they
calculated the concentrations of each solution expressed in molarity. Great work!

Dopo l'incontro con la giornalista ambientale dott.ssa Letizia Palmisano, autrice del libro "10 idee per salvare il pianeta", i nostri studenti del secondo Liceo Scientifico hanno prodotto elaborati su due argomenti attuali e importanti. Federico ha approfondito l'argomento di "Greenwashing", mentre il gruppo di Dalia, Elisa, Andrea, Dafne e Giulia hanno realizzato una ricerca e scritto un elaborato sull'argomento di "Green Jobs", in Inglese. 

After meeting with the environmental journalist Letizia Palmisano, author of the book "10 ideas to save the planet", our second year Scientific High School students produced essays on two topics relevant to our current environmental situation. Federico investigated the topic of "Greenwashing", while the group of Dalia, Elisa, Andrea, Dafne and Giulia collaborated on the research and composition of their essay on the theme of "Green Jobs", in English. Nice work!!!

L'articolo del 2° Liceo Scientifico SITE +: green Jobs: the influence of Eco-Bloggers and Eco Journalists

We live in a society that is increasingly attentive to sustainability issues.

In the legislative field, we are currently seeing the introduction of several interventions which aim to
shift the economy towards intelligent use of available resources. The goal, of course, is to improve
both social and economic conditions of citizens, while at the same time focusing our attention on
the health of our planet.

Within this panorama, also as a result of the Greta Thunberg phenomenon, so-called green
influencers are increasingly establishing themselves as figures capable of influencing public opinion,
advocating greater responsibility and generating awareness of environmental issues.

Among this new breed of influencers, we can find Eco-Bloggers as well as Eco-Journalists. Often,
they possess a certain authority and reputation in the field of eco- sustainability and are particularly
active on social media; consequently, they are capable of guiding the choices and behaviours of

It’s not just their writing which makes people more knowledgeable and more conscientious about
the environment, Eco-Bloggers are often also a good example to others. Since they are able to write
their blogs without going into an office or travelling to work, they contribute less to the pollution
issues which we currently face today.

In summary, with the growth of this new profession, we expect many other jobs will soon follow
suit, allowing more workers to also perform their jobs from home, further reducing the stress on our
most valuable resources

By Dalia, Elisa, Andrea, Dafne and Giulia

The Negative Effects of Corporate Greenwashing


GREENWASHING /ˈɡriːn.wɒʃ.ɪŋ/

Greenwashing is a practice in which businesses make impressive claims about their sustainability in
order to distract from their unsustainable practices.

What consequences are involved?

The consequences of Greenwashing can range from environmental to commerical concerns.
From an environmental point of view, these practices cause consumers to buy products or services
assuming that they're not damaging to the environment, when in reality, they're likely causing more
damage than the consumer realizes.

While from a commercial perspective, greenwashing can damage a company’s image and
reputation, as well as give other sustainable companies the fear of also being accused of this type of

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

To help prevent future greenwashing there must be organizations which are able to verify the
validity of a company's sustainability claims. As consumers we can also show scepticism towards a
company's claims. The close attention of their customers may encourage companies to drastically
decrease their carbon footprint
in order to avoid being accused of greenwashing.

A “Flame Test” is used to detect and analyze the presence of certain elements in the given salt or
compound. Lilac, red or orange-yellow, depending on the color of the flame given, can inform a scientist as to what substance they may be handling. Our third year Scientific High School students experimented with three different substances, lithium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium chloride with interesting and sometimes surprising results.


Il saggio alla fiamma viene utilizzato per rilevare e analizzare la presenza di determinati metalli in un sale o composto. La colorazione lilla, rosso o giallo-arancio della fiamma può fornire informazioni allo scienziato su circa la sostanza presente nel composto che sta testando. I nostri studenti del terzo anno del Liceo Scientifico hanno condotto il saggio utilizzando tre diverse sostanze, (cloruro di litio, cloruro di potassio e cloruro di sodio), ottenendo risultati interessanti e sorprendenti.

Oggi, poco prima dell’uscita delle ore 14:00, una notizia meravigliosa ha suscitato tanta gioia, applausi, commozione in tutto il nostro Istituto: ALESSIA PIPERNO E' LIBERA!!
Bentornata Alessia!! Ti aspettiamo nella tua ex scuola per poterti finalmente riabbracciare!

Sui luoghi del passato per comprendere il presente: gli Studenti delle classi quinte al bunker di Soratte!

Gli sportelli didattici del mese di novembre 2022 sono online! Di seguito i link dei diversi ordini scolastici. È possibile iscriversi attraverso il registro elettronico.

Sportelli didattici novembre 2022




Martedì 25 ottobre 2022: classe 1^ LLE+Lsc: Visita guidata nell’area archeologica del Circo Massimo, visita e spiegazione del Colosseo. Abbiamo ammirato l’eclissi parziale di sole tramite le lenti specifiche.

Studiare il passato per comprendere il presente! I nostri studenti del terzo anno del Liceo Scientifico hanno svolto una interessante attività di gruppo sulle Crociate. Rigorosamente in Lingua Inglese sotto l'attenta supervisione della Prof. Ssa Woodward!

The Crusades: A team building activity

The Crusades, a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims, during the medieval period, had the aim of securing control of holy sites considered sacred by both groups. As an introduction to the historical crusading movement, we presented a thought-provoking challenge to our third year scientific high school students. In small groups, they exercised their English skills by working orally to tackle the task of piecing together a text on the topic. Through this task, students were able to establish a timeline for the First and Second Crusades as well as identify the causes and motivations and explain some of their positive and negative results.

Dopo l'iniziativa di solidarietà proposta dall'Istituto per Alessia Piperno, ex studentessa del San Giuseppe del Caburlotto, è arrivato il messaggio di ringraziamento dei genitori di Alessia, Manuela e Alberto.

Buonasera Suor Paola e tutte le care Sorelle
Io, Alberto, e mia moglie Manuela, ringraziamo di cuore tutto l’Istituto Del Caburlotto per la vicinanza e il sostegno morale che ci donate

Siete meravigliosi, lo siete sempre Stati e questa è solo una prova in più di tutto il bene che avete sempre dimostrato ad Alessia e a tutta la nostra famiglia.

Inutile dire che ci siamo commossi vedendo tutti gli alunni solidali alla causa di Alessia.

Grazie grazie grazie!

Vorremmo avere delle braccia lunghe 100 metri per abbracciare tutti quanti

Un saluto affettuoso da noi

Manuela e Alberto


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